Introduction to Data Analytics and Artificial Intelligence#


  • The course gives you an overview of the methods of data analytics and artificial intelligence, their possibilities and applications as well as the most commonly used programming environments and libraries.
  • The following content will be included in the course
    • Definitions of data analytics and artificial intelligence
    • Practical applications of artificial intelligence
    • Examples and principles of machine learning and neural networks
    • Data analytics programming languages and environments: Python, R, Anaconda, Pandas

Course objective#

  • Student knows the definitions and the most important concepts of data analytics and artificial intelligence
  • Student can utilize programming languages such as Python and R for basic data analytics
  • Student has the ability to use Anaconda as programming environment for Python and R languages


  • Course has ten sets of exercises to be evaluated
  • Each exercise set has four exercises and thus is worth 4 points
  • The course grade will be determined according to score table presented below
Points [X/40p] Grade
20 1
24 2
28 3
32 4
36 5