Exercise set 1 - Database design

  • In this exercise you are going to use appropriate tools for designing a database according to given requirement of specification
  • You may use paper and pencil or Microsoft Visio for example to illustrate the first raw version of database schema
  • The final version should be created with MySQL Workbench application

Requirement of specification

Theme: Music events

  1. Briefing
    • There is a need for database, where all of Finland's music event data can be stored. Event organizer, artists, date of event and schedule should be retrievable from the database. In addition, geographic location must be included (city, address, descripion of premises) as well as information whether there will be free entry for the event or with tickets. If ticket is required for the entry, ticket price should be included. Artist playlist would be nice to have. However, this is not a required feature in the first version.
  2. Overview
    • The first version of the system does not include external connections (for example the web-based user interface for managing the database). Only the local management of the database is required in the first version. Database will be implemented with MySQL or MariaDB database products.
  3. Functions
    • Required
      • Organizer information (name, contact information etc.)
      • Artists (name, price etc.)
      • Date of event
      • Schedule for the event
      • Location (city, building/area, address, etc.)
      • Tickets (free entry / tickets, ticket price)
    • Optional
      • Artist playlist (Think what information should be included in database model and what part could be done with database queries!)
  4. Other properties
    • Performance: minimum response time in data retrieval from database (no more than two seconds). Usability: system should be working smoothly and all requirements mentioned in previous step should be included.