Course introduction

  • This is the material page for the course Databases [TTC2020]


  • After completing this course you understand the significance of databases as part of information systems, you know the basic concepts of databases, you are able to create and read database descriptions and make basic queries using SQL (Structured Query Language).


  • Basic concepts related to databases
  • Design of database with concept analysis
  • Basics of SQL including database queries and database management


  • The following parts will be graded:
    • Exam (50 points at maximum)
    • Course exercise (40 points at maximum)
    • Exercises (30 points at maximum)
  • In total: 120 points at maximum
  • Important: Exam is required in order to pass the course! Exercise sets and course exercise are optional.
  • Points will be divided between six exercise sets like shown below
Exercise name Maximum points
Exercise 1 - Database design 5 points
Exercise 2 - SQL basics 1 5 points
Exercise 3 - SQL basics 2 5 points
Exercise 4 - SQL basics 3 5 points
Exercise 5 - SQL basics 4 5 points
Exercise 6 - SQL basics 5 5 points
  • Course exercise point distribution is presented in the table below
Object to be assessed Maximum points
Database model (.mwb) 15 points
Database structure + data (.sql) 4 points
Graphical user interface (optional) 6 points
Requirement of specification (.docx) 5 points
Final report (.docx) 10 points
  • Below is a table presenting the amount of points required for each grade
Points Grade Qualifying description
0-39.9 0 Failed
40-54.9 1 Student handles the basics
55-69.9 2
70-84.9 3 Competence is at the good level
85-99.9 4
100-120 5 Excellent work!