Linux exercise 13 - Networking

  1. What is the current IP address on your Ubuntu?
  2. Find IP addresses of the websites listed below. Then add alternative names presented inside brackets for these hostnames into the hosts file. Test names with ping command.
    • (homepage)
    • (lforum)
    • (karch)
  3. Use netstat to list all UDP ports your computer is listening.
  4. Test the connectivity to address with ping command using ten packets. What is the average ping time and what is the name of the server that responds?
  5. Install a network monitor tool called NetHogs to your Ubuntu. Open a new SSH connection to your virtual machine (for example using Putty) and start NetHogs tool through this window. Now install MySQL server from the other window using the command presented below. How is this installation process shown in NetHogs and what is approximately the download speed (KB/sec)?
sudo apt install mysql-server