Linux exercise 10 - Process management

  1. Run command ps aux | less and find descriptions for column titles used in output.
  2. What is the default delay for top commands screen updates? Change this update time to 0.5 seconds.
  3. Open another SSH connection to your Ubuntu (for example using Putty) and shutdown this connection using kill command (Tip: use PID of opened SSH connection).
  4. Open another SSH connection again to your Ubuntu. Print the tree view of processes when SSH connection has been established. Now shutdown the second SSH connection and print the tree view again. How is SSH connection displayed in tree view on both cases (connection established and connection closed)?
  5. Why is SSH displayed in tree view even when there is no SSH client connection open from Putty? Important: In VLE environment you will always have SSH client connection open!
  6. How can you shutdown SSH connection through top program?