Linux exercise 9 - Package management

  1. At first, update package repositories. Then check the available commands for apt using command help. What commands are used to perform the following tasks with apt:
    • Upgrading installed packages in the system
    • Removing unused packages from the system
  2. Check the information for the package called figlet and answer the following questions:
    • What is the size of the package?
    • What is the newest version available for the package?
    • Check the package description → What does the program do?
  3. Install the figlet package and verify it works.
  4. Remove figlet from the system with all configuration files. Check that program cannot be run after the removal.
  5. In this task you must install Python3 by compiling it from the source code. Download the package from the url
    • Before the compilation process, install the following packages with apt:
      • libffi-dev
      • zlib1g-dev
    • If you cannot start your newly installed Python3 fix the symbolic link to point for the python3.7 executable.
    • Verify the operation of Python3 by starting the shell with command python3. You should now see the version 3.7.4 at the start of your Python shell.